'You Need a Nathan': Valley man with autism celebrates one year of work.
ABC15 News reporter Adam Klepp highlights one of our member's employment journey in this video to help us kick off National Disability Employment Awareness (#NDEAM) month this October, 2024.
Thank you to Brandon from 'My Special World' for organizing a V.I.P. experience for our Pathway to Work participants. Brandon rented a party bus, set up a red carpet entrance and hosted a lunch at BISCUITS in Awahtukee. Thank you for making everyone feel so special!
Please visit Brandon's website to donate to his mission.
Local business owner with autism advocates for workplace inclusivity.
"As Stephens successfully runs his own business, Pathway to Work, a non-profit in Tempe, works to get people living with disabilities placed into jobs.
Lisa Silva is one of their program directors helping provide the pathway through training. “The comments that we get from employers are the employee is very dedicated and that they care," Silva said. Silva believes a truly diverse workplace should also include different ways of thinking."
Check out the article and interview with our Director of Programs and Training, Lisa Silva.