A structured program focused on skill development designed to educate participants on how to better access their community. Individualized goals, created through Person- Centered Planning, will guide the participants’ choices of center based and/or community activities, and guide the staff to provide the supports needed to achieve these goals. Participants will have opportunities for socialization with peers and community members, as well as learn adaptive skills to live and participate in the community.
• Volunteer service opportunities
• Functional money skills and budgeting
• Community safety training
• Health and fitness
• Recreation
• Self-expression opportunities through art, dance, and music
Pathway to Work collaborates with school partners, families, and other agencies to create workshops specific to the needs and abilities of the targeted demographic. Pathway to Work will provide instruction in a classroom setting at the school where the Pre-ETS workshop will take place, in the community such as a local business, or at the Pathway to Work center.
• Instruction in Self-Advocacy
• Workplace Readiness Training to Develop Social and Independent Living Skills
• Job Exploration Counseling
• Work-Based Learning Experiences
• Counseling on Post-Secondary Education
Contact us here for workshop availability and scheduling.
Individualized instruction, training, and supports for participants to develop work related abilities, skills and behaviors with the intended outcome of integrated and competitive employment. This training program also focuses on soft-skill development through addressing the meaning, value and demands of work, including the development of positive attitudes toward work.
• Curriculum-based training program
• Interactive and hands-on activities
• Community-based instruction
• Work exploration/experiences
• Job shadowing and volunteering
• Group supported employment (GSE)
Pathway to Work will offer a variety of individualized integrated, competitive employment opportunities. A participant’s Person-Centered Plan and discovery process, will detail the employment choice best suited to match their strengths, preferences, and interests or if new employment should be explored. All participants are provided side-by-side job coaching (both on-site and off-site), and transportation needed to support all program activities.
• Work-Adjustment Training (WAT)
• Job-Development and Retention (JDR)
A referral from Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor is required to begin (WAT) Work-Adjustment Training or (JDR)Job Development and Retention services. Determination of services based upon client’s employment goal(s), client service plan, or referring agency.
St. Vincent de Paul featured one of our participants, Veronica Green, in their Summer Volunteer Spotlight. Veronica was interviewed by retired local sports anchor Bruce Cooper for SVDP's 100 Days of Summer campaign. We are grateful for our community partnership and so proud of Veronica!
Check out this great video of our participants making Pathway To Work T-Shirts at BPGraphics!